Wednesday, 20 October 2010

ALBERO Autumn Gatcha Festival

At Albero there's a Gatcha event there's still some gatchas not up when I was there but there's still a ton there. Lots of nice things to check out so.... Picture spam under the cut.

 15L for some poses
 35L for a chair
25L for photos
 Glasses are 20, Jewellary? is 90 (i think) and the other jewellary one is 50L
halloween bag is 20L and the other bag is 60L the other are between 15L-25L
 Chair for 20L
 Shoes are 95L
 10L for the lights and 50L for the skybox
 15L for the face tats and 25L for the rug
 20L for the halloween thingie and 85L for a chair.
 20L for random ghosty bone things
 20L for some socks :>
 25L for the lava lamp (i assume) and 30L for slippers
 30L for the belt chain (i got one :>) 35 for the shoes, 30 for the doll and 25 for the cool creepy bear
30L and 25L for the clothing
 30L for cold related stuff
the two candy corns are 35L and 25 the sanu stuff is says the price on the picture (lazy)
 35L for more face stuff :>
 35L for a rat and 70L for jewellary
 50L for the cool collar and 23L for the boobie things XD
  50L I didn't really check what it was xD
 50L for some odd earrings? :o
priced between 50L-40L some nice clothes :>
 50L for the undies? and 35L for some makeup
 Halloween cuteness :D they were both 20L I got Bat juice :3
 the braclets were 20L and everything else was 40L
 Misc stuff for 40L, table for 50L and the other is 25L
And... we're done! There'll probably be more at a later date and another one starts in November according to the notecard I got. Have fun :3

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